
Booking at Jokebook is easy, since we work with you to ensure we get everything right:

    • Budget:  We will work with you to ensure that you can get the comedians you want for the money you want.  Doing a fundraiser?  Perfect!  We’ll set you up with the tickets you need to sell to not only pay for our services, but also get the funds you need in your coffers.
    • Talent:   Our comedians are tops.  Period.  And we’ll get you one of your favourites, or based on your needs for clean, club, or something darker, we will get you the right comic for your needs.
    • Set-Up:  Got a microphone?  PA system?  Light?  Stage?  Do you know how to set up a room for comedy so that an evening of comedy is optimized?  Any of these things getting you frightened and overwhelmed?  Don’t sweat it.  Our expert team will work with you to ensure that everything is set up to make your night the best it can be.

DROP US AN EMAIL and we will help you make your show a complete success.